Week 4: (Part 3) Mary Kathleen to Adel’s Grove

As the Jeep had done a little over 5000km’s on our trip so far and we had such a good place to do a service I decided to change the Jeeps oil and rotate the tyres.


We then headed up to one of the open cut mines nearby to Mary Kathleen. It is only a short drive and doesn’t require much effort to get up there. The mine was massive! It had a beautiful blue/green coloured water in the bottom and coloured rock on the sides. We took some pictures and had some fun with the echoes as the sound made its way around the mine.


We left the mine and packed up the caravan and headed into Mt Isa for much needed supplies. We filled up our water at the Outback at Isa Information Centre and continued our trek west. We made it to the turn off to Lawn Hill and camped at the rest area there.

The next day we head north towards Lawn Hill and then turned off again to go via Riversleigh. We were met with some rough dirt roads and plenty of dust. However, breaking it up was some beatiful creek crossings with crystal clear water. We made it to Riversleigh for lunch.

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Riversleigh is the name of a place where many fossils have been found. Site D is a fossil site that is publically accessible. Although only some small fossils remain it was great to have a look at them. The top of the hill had a great view and we enjoyed the shade of the tree up there.

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We were feeling very hot and sweaty after getting back to the Jeep. The Jeep was reading 32 degrees outside! We continued out journey and eventually made it to Adel’s Grove which is a privately owned accomodation provider just outside of the Lawn Hill National Park. We enjoyed a nice cool swim in the afternoon to end a very hot day.

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