Week 4: (Part 1) Porcupine Gorge

We started week 4 in Porcupine Gorge with a beautiful sunny day. We had a late start and walked down from the campground into Porcupine Gorge. It is only a bit over 1km to walk and is a moderately steep descent. There are some great views to be had on the way down especially of the Pyramid. Upon arriving at the bottom we walked all the way to the Pyramid. We then made our way back and crossed the creek. We relaxed in the sun and watched the fish in the water and birds go about their business. It was a very relaxing and lovely place to be.

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Day trippers and other campers began to make their way into the gorge and our serenity was lost. We crossed back over to the other side of the creek and walked back up to the top.

We had a relaxing day catching up on our blog and sorting some photos. Mid afternoon we took the walk out along the Rim track which takes you away from the Pyrmid to the edge of the gorge. It stops at a lookout and isn’t so much a “rim walk” but rather a walk that takes you to the rim. We enjoyed the afternoon sun and headed back to camp.

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